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Geoff Poole

My Dad died. It happened in 2022, long after my Mother had gone. In the final few years, he lived with my sister. He remained remarkable fit until he was 90, then he gradually died, always good humoured, until he final passed away aged 94. He had a good life. This blog is my tribute […]

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I had a stroke

I have a good excuse for the hiatus in this blog. Firstly, my Dad went and died. Not a great surprise (he was 94 years old), but he was my loyalest fan. He thought this blog was great. Then I had a stroke, which sounds alarming, and for a while, it was. Mainly, “a stroke” […]

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Everything was changing

Sexual intercourse began In nineteen sixty-three (which was rather late for me) Between the end of the Chatterley ban And the Beatles’ first LP                                                  Philip Larkin. The Beatles first LP starts […]

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The tyranny of the Bleep

I have no recollection of walking into the Mayday Hospital in Croydon on my first day of work as a qualified doctor. I do not think that it felt especially momentous. In fact, after such a long journey to that exact moment, I am sure it felt anticlimactic. In 1980, there was no organised induction […]

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